Many thanks to all the organizations and individuals who support the conference!
Financial support
The conference enjoys financial support from:
- City of St. Gallen
- Gerda Weiler Stiftung für feministische Frauenforschung
D-53894 Mechernich,
- Steinegg Stiftung, Herisau
Ideally Support
The conference is supported ideally by the fallowing organizations:
- Institute for Theory and Practice of Subsistence e. V., Germany
- European Academy of the Healing Arts, Germany
- WorldShift Network, The Club of Budapest
- International Feminists for a Gift Economy, USA
- Archives for the history of the Swiss Women’s Movement, Gosteli-Stiftung, Worblaufen, Switzerland
- FriedensFrauen Weltweit – PeaceWomen Across the Globe, Co-Presidents: Ruth-Gaby Vermot-Mangold and Kamla Basin
- alliance F, National Swiss Women’s Organization, Bern, Switzerland
- Women’s Library Wyborada, St.Gallen, Switzerland
Supporters from public life:
- Edith Graf-Litscher, Parliamentarian, Frauenfeld, Switzerland
- Marianne Kleiner-Schläpfer, Parliamentarian, Herisau, Switzerland
- Elisabeth Beéry, City Councillor, Stadt St. Gallen, Switzerland
- Erika Forster-Vannini, President of the Federal Assembly, St.Gallen, Switzerland
- Dr. med Ruth Gonseth, former Parliamentarian, Liestal, Switzerland
- Dr. Ulrike Knobloch, Universities of Freiburg and St. Gallen, Switzerland