St.Gallen – conveniently located between Säntis and Lake Constance – is famous for its Abbey Library (UNESCO World Heritage Site).The Old Town with its narrow, winding streets and richly decorated bay windows invites a leisurely stroll. At the edge of the Old Town is the museum district, surrounded by the Stadtpark. The conference venues are located there: The Tonhalle and the Kantonsbibliothek Vadiana, which houses the MatriArchiv.
Tonhalle St.Gallen
The Tonhalle, built in 1906, is more often a venue for music, but the renovated Art Nouveau structure is ideal for stylish conferences as well. The auditorium and balconies accommodate a great many participants. In the ground floor foyer, refreshments will be offered during the breaks. For main meals, a catering service will be availabl.
Address: Tonhalle St.Gallen, Museumsstrasse 25, 9004 St.Gallen. Website: Tonhalle St.Gallen
The MatriArchiv is part of the Kantonsbibliothek Vadiana. It is the world’s first library on the topic matriarchy. It is dedicated to the relevant works of all socio-culturally sciences, and it is international, i. e. it collects books in many languages. Its founder, Christina Schlatter, looks forward to welcoming a lively stream of visitors. During the conference, the MatriArchiv will be housed in the Exhibition Hall (Ausstellungssaal) of the Kantonsbibliothek Vadiana. Books can be borrowed without charge. Opening hours and conditions of use are the same as those for the Kantonsbibliothek Vadiana. Further informations about the MatriArchiv:
Adress: Kantonsbibliothek Vadiana St.Gallen, Notkerstrasse 22, 9000 St.Gallen. Website: Kantonsbibliothek Vadiana
Site plan Tonhalle and MatriArchiv